Journal of dental education

Developing and assessing the use of demonstration videos in the preclinical simulation laboratory.

Journal of dental education

Forni R, Gad M, Yansane AI, White JM

Trends in postgraduate dental training in the United States.

Journal of dental education

Bates T, Jura M, Werts M, Kottek A, Munson B, Vujicic M, Mertz EA

Practice patterns of postgraduate trained dentists in the United States.

Journal of dental education

Mertz EA, Bates T, Kottek A, Jura M, Werts M, Munson B, Vujicic M

Intimate Partner Violence and Orofacial Injuries in a Multi-School Dental Data Repository.

Journal of dental education

Banava S, Lippman SA, Schenk G, Gansky SA

Perspectives on meeting the COVID-19 testing challenge: A dental school collaborative.

Journal of dental education

R. Bruce Donoff, Mark Poznansky, David Kochman, Bruce Lieberthal, Seema Bhansali, Allison Neale, Daniel Bryant, Robert Glickman, Amr Moursi, Cecile A. Feldman, Daniel Fine, Steve Kess, Michael C. Alfano, Ari Levy, Amid Ismail, Thomas Rams, Michael Reddy, Stuart Gansky, Rai Ramneek, Laurie K. McCauley, Robert Eber, Mark Wolff, Harlan Krumholz

Number of Pregnant Women at Four Dental Clinics and the Care They Received: A Dental Quality eMeasure Evaluation.

Journal of dental education

Neumann A, Obadan-Udoh E, Bangar S, Kumar SV, Tokede O, Kim A, Yansane A, Mertz E, Panwar S, Gharpure A, Kookal KK, Mullins J, Even JB, Simmons K, White JM, Walji MF, Kalenderian E

Going Global: Toward Competency-Based Best Practices for Global Health in Dental Education.

Journal of dental education

Seymour B, Shick E, Chaffee BW, Benzian H

Going Global: Toward Competency-Based Best Practices for Global Health in Dental Education.

Journal of dental education

Seymour B, Shick E, Chaffee BW, Benzian H
